Monitor Health to Reduce Risk of Non-Communicable Diseases

By JN Life Insurance

Healthcare is costly. However, the best way to reduce costs associated with health care is prevention. Hugh Reid, General Manager, JN Life Insurance Company, wants Jamaicans to monitor their health on a regular basis to reduce the risk of developing non-communicable diseases such as diabetes.  “The Ministry of Health and Wellness has done some studies…

Use Healthier Substitutes When Preparing Christmas Meals

By JN Life Insurance

The Heart Foundation of Jamaica is encouraging Jamaicans to consider healthier substitutes for food ingredients and reduce caloric intake during this Yuletide Season to minimise the potential of developing lifestyle illnesses in the New Year. The Foundation says that for many Jamaicans, traditional Christmas meals can be enjoyed by using healthier substitutes when preparing various…

Life Insurance Products Available After Retirement

By JN Life Insurance

Mr. Othneil Blagrove, senior manager – sales, JN Life Insurance says there are insurance products available for seniors, contrary to what many persons believe. The insurance executive explained that seniors can purchase insurance products that can provide them with coverage in years after retirement and that they should consider having a product that protects them…

Use Critical Illness Policies To Assist With Financial Planning

By JN Life Insurance

Real estate professionals often spend most of their time assisting others. From helping clients to purchase, rent, or sell properties to advising them about market conditions and conducting walkthroughs. But it’s also important for them to take care of their own needs, especially when it comes to their health and financial future. That’s why Critical…

Earning an Income during Retirement

By JN Life Insurance

Othneil Blagrove, Senior Manager for Sales, JN Life Insurance Company. “Many persons are opting to find creative means, or a side job, to earn an income during retirement; and this is commendable because the extra income can supplement their pension from their retirement scheme, or from the National Insurance Scheme,” says Othneil Blagrove, Senior Manager…

Use Experience Of Pandemic To Implement Business Continuity Plan – Earl Samuels

By JN Life Insurance

Earl Samuels, chief development financing officer at The Jamaica National Group, believes the COVID-19 pandemic represents an opportunity for companies to implement business continuity planning and undertake risk assessments as a function in their business operations to become more resilient. He stated that business continuity planning and risk analysis should be undertaken by companies going…

Resist The Urge To Cash-In Insurance Policies – Experts

By JN Life Insurance

With the COVID-19 pandemic affecting many persons financially, two of the country’s leading insurance executives are advising policyholders to resist the urge to cash in on the investment portion of their policies. Mr. Orville Johnson, Executive Director of the Insurance Association of Jamaica said the insurance industry paid out $23.2 billion in claims in 2019,…

Overcome the Funeral Debt Trap

By JN Life Insurance

“Most persons do not like to consider the subject of death, as they believe it is too morbid. Hence, many fail to prepare financially for funeral costs and final expenses”, says Oliver Tomlinson, general manager of JN Life Insurance Company Limited. Mr. Tomlinson said that death is such an emotional subject, that its financial aspects…