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(Burial Plan)

We are unable to predict the future but we can make plans to cushion the effects of those unforeseen circumstances which can be damaging to the financial stability of our family members and loved ones. With JN Life, you may provide that COMFORT for your loved ones when they will need it most.




JN Life COMFORT provides guaranteed protection for you and those you love to fund costs such as:

  • Final expenses
  • Income replacement
  • Mortgage and other loan payments
  • Estate taxes and duties

Terminal Illness

JN Life will pay, as a Living Benefit, to the Life Insured, 50% of the applicable Death Benefit, upon receipt of satisfactory proof of Terminal Illness provided that the plan is in place for two years. This payment will reduce the Basic Sum Insured by 50%.


  • Policy has been in force for at least 6 months
  • Premiums have been paid for at least 6 consecutive months
  • Premiums have been paid through payroll deduction
  • Notification by Owner or employer within 30 days of ceasing payment of premium due to leaving employment


18 years -76 years at the time of application

Coverage Options

Entry Age Minimum Coverage Maximum Coverage
18-60 $300,000.00 $5,000,000.00
61-65 $300,000.00 $1,250,000.00
66-76 $250,000.00 $750,000.00

Frequently asked questions

What is the JN Life Comfort?

This product is a Guaranteed Issue Whole Life insurance policy designed to fund Final Expenses. Basic Premiums are payable for the lifetime of the Life Insured or until the Premium Expiry Date of the Policy.

What is meant by the term ‘Guaranteed Issue’?

This means that the agreed upon coverage of the policy will be paid out to the client without deliberation once all established conditions have been met.

What is the age of eligibility for this plan?

The ages of eligibility for the JN Life COMFORT plan are from ages 18 to 76 years old.

What are the coverages offered by this plan and what does it cover?

The JN Life COMFORT plan offers coverage for the main insured from J$ 300,000 to J$ 5,000,000 for those who fall between the ages of 16-60 and from J$ 250,000 to J$ 5,000,000 for those who fall between the ages of 66-76. The coverage for the plan can be a combination of any coverage between the minimum and maximum coverage options. The plan covers any naturally occurring death of the main insured once the policy is inforce. The plan also offers coverages in tranches between the minimum and maximum coverages etc J$ 1,250,000 or J$ 750,000.

What are the features of this plan?

  • Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D): with this rider the plan offers additional coverage that is less than or equal to the main coverage in the event of an accidental death. This feature must be acquired with the initial coverage of the plan.
  • Terminal Illness Benefit: JN Life will pay, as a Living Benefit, to the Life Insured, 50% of the applicable Death Benefit, upon receipt of satisfactory proof of Terminal Illness provided that the plan is in place for two years. This payment will reduce the Basic Sum Insured by 50%.
  • Unemployment Waiver of Premium Benefit: monthly premiums can be waived for up to two (2) months once the:
    • Policy has been in force for at least 6 months.
    • Premiums have been paid for at least 6 consecutive months.
    • Premiums have been paid through payroll deduction.
    • Notification by Owner or employer within 30 days of ceasing payment of premium due to leaving employment.


  • Death Benefit: The death benefit of this plan is tied to its age.
 Policy Age  Benefit
0-6 months  Return of Basic Premiums paid
7-12 months  25% of Sum Insured
13- 24 months  50% of Sum Insured
Over 24 months  100% of Sum Insured

During any Policy year, if death occurs as a result of an accident the full Sum Insured will be paid.

If my policy is lapsed, can it be reinstated/re-dated?

The Policy may be reinstated within 30 days of lapse or re-dated within 6 months of lapse. Reinstatement or re-dating is allowed only once during the life of the Policy.

Can the policy be assigned?

No, this policy does not have an assignment option.

When does my insurance coverage terminate?

Your insurance will terminate on the earliest of:

  • Expires at age 75 or on the 20th policy anniversary, whichever is later;
  • A claim of the total coverage amount;
  • The date the Life Insured dies;
  • The date the Head Office or authorized agent of the Company receives notice in writing of termination from the Owner delivered by hand or registered post;
  • The 31st day after the Basic Premium due date if the required Basic Premium has not been paid;

What is JN Life Insurance suicide clause?

JN Life will not pay benefits for any loss due to suicide, whether sane or insane, within 2 years of the Policy Effective Date.

Will I be asked to answer medical questions?

No, underwriting is not applicable to this plan.

How do I pay my premiums?

All our clients may pay their premiums using any of the following options:

  • Salary Deduction
  • Pre-Authorized Payment/Standing Order
  • Cash Payment (Semi-Annually or Annually)

What are my payment frequency options?

You may pay your premiums either:

  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
  • Semi-Annually
  • Annually

Does this plan have a cash value feature?

75% of Basic Insured after Premium Expiry Date and before Life Insured’s attainment of 100 years.

Learn More About Our Other Products

We provide peace of mind while ensuring that your loved ones are protected from the consequences of life’s unexpected turns. Let us guide you along your journey to finding the perfect coverage, because here, your life is valued.

Individual Coverage

Be at ease knowing that we’ve got you covered. Invest in peace of mind today and protect what matters most.


Family Coverage

Secure your family’s future with one of our products tailored to meet your unique needs. Our policies ensure that your loved ones are cared for even in your absence.


Group Coverage

Secure your team members’ futures with our group life insurance policy. Provide coverage for your employees in the event of an unforeseen circumstance.



Retire in confidence, knowing that you’ve built a robust financial foundation for your golden years. Start planning today for a brighter tomorrow.


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(876) 733-7130

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26 Trafalgar Road, Kingston 10

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