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JN Life Family AIDE

Family Critical Illness

Many families have suffered the physical, emotional and financial effects of a family member being diagnosed with a critical illness.

What if it were your family? How prepared is your family to handle the effects of a critical illness? What can you do to mitigate the negative repercussions?

JN Life FAMILY AIDE is designed to aid in filling the gaps in your family’s health and disability insurance coverage to ensure that you can:

  • Pay to access quality healthcare
  • Provide income replacement for yourself and family
  • Clear loans and/or make mortgage and car loan payments
  • Fund your family’s education and household expenses
  • Facilitate rehabilitation and more



  • Provides Critical Illness Insurance coverage for yourself and up to five (5) additional members of your family inclusive of spouse, children, parents and parents-in- law.*
  • Coverage Options: $1,000,000.00; $2,000,000.00; $4,000,000.00; $6,000,000.00
  • Your family members are covered for 50% of your sum insured.
  • No medical examination required for onboarding
  • Insurance coverage up to age 80 years*
  • Eligibility ages: 18 to 60 years at time of application except children who are eligible from 0 to 26 years.
  • Coverage is reduced for each Life Insured upon his attainment of age 70 years.


JN Life AIDE pays to you, the Insured, the full coverage amount upon:

  • The first diagnosis of a covered critical illness on each member of your family, covered under this plan. *
  • Unemployment Waiver of Premium- premiums will be waived for up to two (2) months if you become unemployed. *
  • Ambulance Benefit- JN Life will reimburse up to J$15,000.00 paid for ambulance transportation to hospital or other treatment centres where a covered critical illness was diagnosed.

*conditions apply

Claim Notification

Written notice of claim must be submitted to JN Life within 30 days of the first diagnosis and in no event later than 6 months after. Failure to submit notification within this timeframe will invalidate the claim.

Waiting Period

Claims will only be honoured if the diagnosis is after the Policy has been in force for the following times:

  • Cancer – 90 days
  • Pre-existing conditions-12 months
  • All other claims-30 days


Claims arising from attempted suicide, intentionally, self-inflicted injury or action, criminal action or actions caused or contributed to by the influence of intoxicants, narcotics or insanity will be excluded.


Coverage will terminate for all Life Insureds on the earliest of:

  • The date you request that the Policy be terminated.
  • The 31st day after the Basic Premium becomes overdue.
  • The date you (Main Insured) are diagnosed with a Critical Illness.

Coverage will terminate for each Life Insured on the earliest of:

  • The date you (Main Insured) request the termination of the coverage for the family member.
  • The date the Dependent Child attains age 26 years;
  • The date the Family Member is first diagnosed with a Critical Illness.

*conditions apply

Frequently asked questions

What is the JN Life Family AIDE?

This is a family critical illness plan designed by JN Life Insurance Company to provide insurance protection for the main insured and up to five (5) dependent family members in the event of an occurrence of any of the listed thirteen (13) critical illnesses.

What is the age of eligibility for this plan?

Eligibility for the JN Life Family AIDE plan is as follows:

  • 18 to 60 years
  • Dependent Children are eligible from birth to their 26th birthday, however, if any child is incapable of self-sustaining employment due to mental or physical handicap and is dependent on the Main Insured for support, the stipulated maximum age of eligibility for dependent children will not apply.

Which family members are classified as dependents under this plan?

The following are categorised as dependents under the JN Life Family Aide:

  • Dependent Children: Natural children, step-children, foster children, legally adopted children, or child placed with the Main Insured.
  • Family Member: Main Insured’s spouse, (step) mother/(step) father.

What are the coverages offered by this plan and what does it cover?

This plan offers four (4) coverage options:

J$ 1,000,000

J$ 2,000,000

J$ 4,000,000

J$ 6,000,000

Each coverage option covers thirteen (13) critical illnesses. These are Cancer, Stroke, Kidney Failure, Partial Kidney Failure, Heart Attack, Major Burns, Coma, Paralysis, Loss of Speech, Loss of Hearing, Loss of Sight, Major Organ Transplant, Coronary Artery Bypass.

What are the features and benefits of this plan?

Re-Occurrence Benefit: Full benefits will be paid for the re-occurrence of any Critical Illness once the Dates of Diagnosis are separated by at least 12 months (Cancer benefits must be medically unrelated to any cancer for which benefits have already been paid).

Additional Occurrence Benefit: The Company will pay full benefits in the event of the occurrence of a covered Critical Illness even though full payment has already been made for the previous occurrence of a different Critical Illness provided that the two Dates of Diagnosis are separated by at least six months or for Cancer at least six months Treatment Free and the subsequent Critical Illness is not caused by or contributed to by a Critical Illness for which benefits have already been paid.

Ambulance Benefit: A one-time reimbursable benefit of a maximum of J$15,000 will be paid if an ambulance is used to transport the Life Insured to hospital or other treatment centres when/where a covered Critical Illness is first diagnosed.

No Claim Benefit: Upon the Expiry Date, provided the Contractual Premiums are paid up to the Expiry Date, the Company shall pay to the Owner a sum equal to the total of all Basic Premiums paid provided that no claim was paid on the Policy.

Death Benefit: Upon death, the beneficiary will be paid a sum equal to the total of all Basic Premiums paid as at the date of death, provided that no claim was paid on the Policy.

Reduced Benefit: All benefits are reduced by 50% on the Anniversary Date after the Life Insured attains the age of 70 years.

If my policy is lapsed, can it be reinstated/re-dated?

The Policy may be reinstated within 30 days of lapse or re-dated within 6 months of lapse. Reinstatement or re-dating is allowed only once during the life of the Policy.

Can the policy be assigned?

No, this policy does not have an assignment option.

When does my insurance coverage terminate?

Your insurance will terminate on the earliest of:

  • Expires at age 75 or on the 20th policy anniversary, whichever is later;
  • A claim of the total coverage amount;
  • The date the Life Insured dies;
  • The date the Head Office or authorized agent of the Company receives notice in writing of termination from the Owner delivered by hand or registered post;
  • The 31st day after the Basic Premium due date if the required Basic Premium has not been paid;

What is JN Life Insurance suicide clause?

JN Life will not pay benefits for any loss due to suicide, whether sane or insane, within 2 years of the Policy Effective Date.

Will I be asked to answer medical questions?

Yes, there are five (5) simplified medical questions that are asked when acquiring this plan, however it does not require a medical beyond these questions.

How do I pay my premiums?

All our clients may pay their premiums using any of the following options:

  • Salary Deduction
  • Pre-Authorized Payment/Standing Order
  • Cash Payment (Semi-Annually or Annually)

What are my payment frequency options?

You may pay your premiums either:

  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
  • Semi-Annually
  • Annually

Does this plan have a cash value feature?

No, this plan does not have a cash surrender value.

Learn More About Our Other Products

We provide peace of mind while ensuring that your loved ones are protected from the consequences of life’s unexpected turns. Let us guide you along your journey to finding the perfect coverage, because here, your life is valued.

Individual Coverage

Be at ease knowing that we’ve got you covered. Invest in peace of mind today and protect what matters most.


Family Coverage

Secure your family’s future with one of our products tailored to meet your unique needs. Our policies ensure that your loved ones are cared for even in your absence.


Group Coverage

Secure your team members’ futures with our group life insurance policy. Provide coverage for your employees in the event of an unforeseen circumstance.



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