Hugh Reid, 2022-2023 Lieutenant Governor, Kiwanis Eastern Canada and Caribbean District, Division 23 Central, believes Jamaica will not achieve its potential to become a developed nation until more emphasis is placed on serving and assisting the less fortunate in our society
Mr Reid was speaking at the Changing of the Guard and Installation ceremony for the Kiwanis Club of North St Andrew, which was held at the Police Officers’ Club, recently.
The newly-installed Lieutenant Governor, who is also the General Manager for JN Life Insurance, said that too many Jamaicans were unwilling to do voluntary service which was one of the hallmarks of a progressive society.
“We’re all connected as a country regardless of where we are from and our income,” he said.

“To help others is to help ourselves. That’s why until we as a country do a better job of helping the less fortunate, the disabled, the elderly and the sick, we will remain an underdeveloped country ravaged by crime daily with those of us in a better position hiding behind our gated communities. This is because too many Jamaicans do not place emphasis on helping others, serving or sharing their blessings which does not bode well for us,” he stated.
Mr Reid said in giving to the less fortunate, more Jamaicans had to the opportunity to be lifted out of poverty because many use this assistance to improve the lives of their families and communities.
“Many leaders who are in the public space today would not have been able to achieve all that they have without the assistance of others who have given them scholarships or other assistance so they could further their education and help others. This is why it is important to give because we are sharing our blessings and in turn blessing others whose lives become better because of this,” he said.
He added that many Jamaicans take it for granted that many of their fellow countrymen survive on the national minimum wage, which is less than J$500,000 (US$3,300) per year. Mr Reid noted that many of these persons were females who headed households who would benefit from acts of kindness. He said more persons across Jamaica needed to get into a habit of sharing their blessings by serving or giving which would benefit the country.
“You are empowering others and yourselves to become happier when you serve. You are also changing the world when you serve, so let us not shy away from serving,” he said.
Derrick Brown, newly elected President of the North St Andrew Kiwanis Club also called for members to serve while remaining true to the Kiwanis mantra of “serving the children or the world, one child, one community at a time.”
“Now more than ever our children need us. Let us continue to give them the support that they need. As Nelson Mandela once said: ‘History will judge us by the difference that we make in the everyday lives of our children.’ Let us all be judged favourably by history. This is why the Kiwanis Club of North St Andrew will be implementing sustainable programmes that will positively impact the lives of every youth we come in contact with,” he said.